September Banner: Kelly Golden

The ninth banner in a series of twelve released monthly throughout 2021 was designed by Kelly Golden, and chainstitched by Jenna Blazevich.

A raffle for the banner will run from 9/25/21-9/30/21, and 100% of the money raised will be donated to the Belle Isle Conservancy.

From Kelly: “The organization I'm raising money for is the Belle Isle Conservancy, a local nonprofit committed to protecting, preserving, restoring, and enhancing Belle Isle as a public park for all to enjoy. Even though the climate crisis feels *devastating* at best, groups like this remind me to find ways to maintain momentum and be a formidable force for change at the local level. Though Detroiters want and need more public green spaces, Belle Isle is our jewel, and we're so lucky to have the Belle Isle Conservancy fighting to protect our precious natural resources and inspiring visitors to maintain litter-free parks and waterways.

This slogan comes straight from the beak of Woodsy 'The Anti-Pollution' Owl, a mascot for the United States Forest Service introduced in 1971 as a way to get kids interested in protecting the environment. An advocate for the conservation of natural spaces, Woodsy encouraged kids to pick up litter, and called out litter-bugs and polluters as he saw them. So kids, wherever you are, be like Woodsy...Give a hoot, don't pollute!”