July Banner: Lauren Hom

The seventh banner in a series of twelve released monthly throughout 2021 was designed by Lauren Hom, and chainstitched by Jenna Blazevich.

A raffle for the banner will run from 7/24/21-7/31/21, and 100% of the money raised will be donated to Keep Growing Detroit.

From Lauren: “The organization I'm raising money for is Keep Growing Detroit, a local organization I belong to whose mission is to promote a food sovereign city where the majority of fruits and vegetables consumed by Detroiters are grown by residents within the city’s limits.

Healthy, fresh food should be available to all, and KGD provides free or low-cost educational resources and supplies to empower communities to start growing their own food. Food connects us all (everyone's gotta eat!), and food sovereignty shifts the power to define food & agricultural systems away from big corporations and towards the people who actually grow, distribute and eat the food.

Through their Garden Resource Program, I successfully started growing greens, tomatoes, and herbs on my small apartment balcony! They also support and training to those who want to start community gardens, as well as youth programs to inspire the next generation of good food advocates.

If you're interested in growing food for your family or your community, check out & support the work KGD is doing (they've got some great online resources not just limited to Detroiters) and look up local farming/gardening organizations in your city.

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